Tuesday, September 21, 2010

hazard of mobile fone

There are several different types of radiation present in our surroundings on a day to day basis. Electromagnetic energy from cell phones and radio towers are categorized as non-ionizing radiation and are generally thought to be harmless, while iodizing rays from x-rays and nuclear energy have been proven to cause cancer.
However, in recent years the sheer number of non-ionizing instruments in our environment has caused some scientists to wonder if the assumption that this type of radiation is truly safe.
The technological benefits of Wireless Fidelity technology versus the wireless hazards is a hot debate in many different countries. In the United States, a class action lawsuit has been brought against a school board who use the technology in their classrooms. In Britain, it has been removed from some classrooms altogether. Are these precautionary measures necessary, or simply the reaction of a public frightened by a technology they do not fully understand?

A new study released by the Reproductive Research Centre at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio suggests an alarming increase in infertility amongst men who frequently use cell phones. In each of the four criteria singled out in the study sperm count, motility, viability and appearance those who used cell phones more than four hours per day fared the worst in each category.
The study, led by Professor Ashok Agarwal, divided over 360 men into three categories: those who never used a cell phone, those who used a cell phone less than two hours per day and the final group of men, who used their cell phones at least four hours each day. 

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